East Elfers Cemetery
.... Information from the Friends ....This is a very Historical Cemetery…. There are gravestones in many places within that are over a century old. Please enjoy your virtual visit to this mystical place.
Hello Everyone…
You are receiving this email because I think you have family members buried in the East Elfers Cemetery and/or own plots in the Cemetery as do I.
For the past several years I have been concerned that the Trust Fund for the Perpetual Care of the Cemetery was inadequate to provide perpetual care. When all the graves are sold, will there be enough money to even mow the cemetery?
More recently the concern is the future of the Asbury United Methodist Church which has been responsible for the Cemetery since it was designated as Perpetual Care in about 1978.
What follows was recently received from Mary Ashcraft, Pastor of the Asbury United Methodist Church about the closure of the Asbury Methodist Church. DS stands for District Superintendent who overseas Methodist Churches in the Gulf Central District. Currently the DS is Rev. Dr. Candice Lewis.
If you would like more information about the status of the Cemetery, please let me know. Please feel free to share this information with others who may be concerned with the future of the East Elfers Cemetery. I will include them in future mailings if they send me their email address.
Laurie Baker
Friends of East Elfers Cemetery
From: Mary Ashcraft <pastormarya@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 8:54 AM
To: Sam Baker <samb.baker@outlook.com>; Laurie Baker <laurieb@mvseac.com>
Subject: Cemetery
Hi folks,
Just wanted to share an update. The DS was here last night and setting up a task force to determine whether Asbury will voluntarily close or if an involuntary closing or merging with First Church New Port Richey. If they close the Conference committee will determine the way the cemetery will be managed. If Asbury merges First Church can decide if they will take on the responsible of the cemetery. She agreed that no plots would be sold until the decisions are made as to who will be responsible.
As of now the only members of the committee are Pauline (with health issues) and Kathy Murphy (who is moving into the ALF) Sara Eaton and Linda Ticca have stepped up to help Bill.
The DS is checking with legal as to how to handle this all this with the cemetery.
If you have any questions please contact the DS or me (but I have given you all the information I have).
Blessings and thanks,
Pastor Mary Ashcraft